Feeble Knees

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Help a Sister Out

Imagine if you were thousands of miles away when you get the news that your mom is dying of cancer. What would you do?

This situation is all too real for Michelle at Seeking Serenity. Back in early February Michelle learned her mom has inoperable liver cancer. She and her son are living in South Africa, but her parents are in Australia. Recently she got word from her Dad, asking her to come soon during the March holidays.

Laura at Been There, Still There has started a PayPal account on Michelle's behalf to help defray the cost of her traveling expeneses so she and her son can go be with her Mom. Michelle has been trying unsuccessfully to immigrate to Australia for some time, now it is ever so much more important that she get to see her mom, even if it's just for a brief visit.

If you are so moved, please visit Been There, Still There and contribute what you can. I trust Laura, and believe this is all on the up-and-up.

Most importantly of all, please remember to keep Michelle, her son and her folks in your prayers.
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